We guarantee the lowest price.
When shopping at HumidorDiscount you can be assured that you pay the lowest price. If you find the same product anywhere else at a lower price within 3 months of your purchase we will refund the difference.
Which products are eligible?
All products offered in our online store are eligible for the lowest price guarantee.
Which criteria has to be met?
The guarantee covers all competitor price offers that fulfill the following criteria:
- exact same product from the same brand
- product is new and in its original packaging
- product is in stock
- price includes all taxes and other fees
- price is available to the general public
- seller is a dealer physically located in the same country as the client
How do I claim the guarantee?
Simply contact us and send us a link or other proof of the lower price. Please also indicate shipping costs and the price difference.
When and how will the refund be made?
Once we have revised the competitor's offer we will arrange a refund to you within 48h via the same payment method you used for your purchase with us.
What if I have not purchased the product yet?
If you have not bought the product yet there is no need to wait for a refund; we can discount your price before you finalize the purchase.
See also our 100-day return guarantee.
This guarantee supplements our general terms and conditions