Contracting party & provider identification (according to § 5 TMG):

International Head Office:
Humidor Discount
Gebr. Spohn GmbH
Moltkestraße 123 C
50674 Cologne

Director: Felix Spohn
Tax number: 215/5817/1281

EU-VAT Identification ID: DE813377639
Commercial Register: Amtsgericht Cologne
Commercial Register No.: HRB 37042

The website is operated by Humidor Discount - Gebr. Spohn GmbH.

Responsible for the content of this site (according to §55 Abs. 2 RStV): Felix Spohn, Moltkestraße 123 C, 50674 Cologne, Germany.
Contact :
Tel : 1 (574)-607-4008/ (800) 613-6219
Service hours:
Monday to Thursday: 7 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Eastern
Friday: 7 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Eastern

Out-of-court dispute resolution

The EU Commission provides an online platform for dispute resolution. Customers, who are a consumer and resident in the European Union, are entitled to use this platform for out-of-court settlements of disputes related to contractual obligations arising from online sales contracts. The platform can be accessed at Our email address is

We strive for excellence in customer service. Please reach out to our customer service with any issue you have. We endeavour to come to a mutual agreement with our customers.


All content of this site is copyright protected. All rights are owned by Gebr. Spohn GmbH. Any use of any kind without the consent is punishable and inadmissible.

External links

For further information, we occasionally refer our website visitors to third-party websites. When it is not obvious we specifically indicate external links. The content of any third party web pages is not under our control. Our privacy policy does not extend to external pages. We can not assume liability for external links and the content on these pages.

Photo credits

Cigar image by Vanerpaddel from is licensed by CC BY 2.0